Bookstores & Libraries

/ Resources / Bookstores & Libraries
Lifelong learning and the latest entertainment info.

You’ll want to keep up on everything that is happening in the arts & entertainment industry, which means you’ve got some reading to do. There are all sorts of books, magazines, scripts, DVDs, CDs, and more that will help take you to the next level in your career as an entertainment professional, and we recommend spending some time browsing the shelves of these establishments to find ’em.

If you’re wondering where to start, take a look at our list of recommended reading. The more you know, right?

Our Favorites
Writers Guild of America Library

Writers Guild of America Library

The WGA has its own amazing library that is open to the public (including non-members), housing over 30,000 scripts, books, periodicals, and other materials on the history, art, and business of writing for entertainment media.

Los Angeles Public Library

Los Angeles Public Library

With over 6 million volumes, the LAPL is one of the largest publicly funded library systems in the world. It has multiple copies of some of the most sought-after arts & entertainment books, plays, DVDs, and more. Get your free library card!

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Writers Guild of America Library
Los Angeles Public Library
The Writers Store
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