Housing Resources

/ Resources / Housing
A healthy career starts at home.

Whether you’re looking for a house, an apartment, a roommate, or some other housing arrangement, this is the place to start. Below you’ll see a list of places to start your hunt, kicking off with three of our favorite resources.

Click on any of them to open up a link to a new page. No matter how you do your search, make sure you do your homework, land in a neighborhood you feel safe in, and room only with someone you can trust.

Our Favorites


This site is the best: PadMapper is a hard-to-beat mash-up of interactive maps and housing data gleaned from a number of online services, all of which is made easy to search by using the site’s handy set of filters.



Craigslist is by far the most comprehensive listing of housing opportunities because just about everyone uses it. Of course, that means more competition when you’re looking for a place. There are both legit and scams, so do your research carefully!

Westside Rentals

Westside Rentals

Westside Rentals is a subscription-based site for searching for apartments, houses, and more. HINT: If you get to know someone who has just moved, he may give you his login. Check out the mobile phone app too.

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