Recommended Books
Great reads to get you started.
There are all sorts of books that we strongly encourage people to read to really understand the arts & entertainment world, so we’re providing the following lists of recommended reading. Some of these materials should be read by anyone in the entertainment industry, while others we’ve broken down by discipline. You can get these books at any number of places, but we’ve provided links to Amazon where we can, just to get you started. We’re kinda helpful that way.
Check out some of the resources below and let us know if you run across other resources we should include.
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Ten Great Books Every Creative Should Read
Click any number, title, or description to purchase book on Amazon.
The Movie Business
By Jason E. Squire
A comprehensive overview of the global entertainment industry, drawing directly from successful movers and shakers.
By Robert McKee
The classic treatise on the substance, structure, style and principles of effective storytelling and screenwriting.
The War of Art
By Steven Pressfield
The much-heralded book on learning how to break through your blocks and win inner creative battles.
More than a Movie: Ethics in Entertainment
By Miguel Valenti
A balanced and compelling argument for the creative community to consider the consequences of its products and practices.
The Biz
By Schuyler M. Moore
A comprehensive overview of the basic business, legal & financial aspects of the entertainment industry.
The Artist’s Way
By Julia Cameron
The seminal work on the subject of creativity, providing all sorts of practical steps for living the artist’s life.
Creativity, Inc.
By Ed Catmull
The president of Pixar discusses how to overcome everything that stands in the way of true inspiration in business and entertainment.
One Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do
By Phil Cooke
To achieve your dreams, you have to focus on the thing you were created to do, especially if you have artistic and performance ambitions.
Steal Like An Artist
By Austin Kleon
The best thing you can do as a creative professional is find your own voice and be the genuine you. This book shows you how.
The Big Picture: Money and Power in Hollywood
By Edward Jay Epstein
A behind-the-scenes look at how money and power is made and distributed in the entertainment industry.
Recommended Books
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