Finding Your Great Ideas

by | May 15, 2023 | Journal

Any idea in which you invest time and money needs to advance your goals and mission. What do you want to accomplish?

If you have an idea but aren’t sure if it’s good or if it’s bad, test it against three simple criteria. Ask yourself: Is your idea all of the following…


Does this idea make sense for you or your organization? Why are you the logical person or group to do this?


Do you have the money, skills, time and people resources to implement this idea?


Will your idea make money or advance one of your major goals such as recruiting more volunteers? Can you afford to do this?


If an idea does not advance your mission or fit with your identity, forget it – because it fails the credibility test. Gamblers Anonymous groups don’t raise money through casino nights or bingo, and serious historians seldom write romance novels. Try to substitute an idea that is a better fit for you.

Often ideas that are too ambitious to be doable or profitable can be downsized and succeed. You can’t afford to advertise on the Super Bowl, but try sponsoring a program on your favorite NPR station. By thinking local, you’ll probably win.

You can also use the “credible, doable, and profitable” formula to decide if you need to kill or update a program. What worked in the 1990s probably needs to change or die, but you’ll never know until you evaluate. It’s always harder to kill someone’s pet project than to start something new. However, you may have to if you are to have the resources for new programs.

So turn find your great ideas, just remember the three magic words: “Credible, Doable and Profitable.”

P.S. I stole the formula from a friend – one of my better ideas!

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